lunes, 5 de julio de 2010

Dos enlaces interesantes

Gracias, Fernando Alfaro

Los alumnos de los institutos norteamericanos se aburren.

Consideran, sobre todo, que los materiales no son interesantes o son irrelevante y echan de menos, sobre todo, la interacción con el profesor:
“Indeed, the report suggests that providing greater interaction of some sort might be at least part of the answer to relieving students' malaise. Asked to rate to degree to which various types of classroom work excite or engage them, the students gave the highest positive ratings to "Discussion and Debate" (especially when "there are no clear answers") and "Group Projects." "Projects and Lessons Involving Technology" also scored well. By contrast, "Teacher Lecture" received the lowest ratings, with only 26 percent of students responding positively”

Cúando perdieron la confianza en la deuda española los inversores extranjeros

Como se vé en el Cuadro, llevamos desde 2005 disminuyendo la participación de los extranjeros en la compra de deuda pública española

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