miércoles, 14 de julio de 2010


Bernard S. Black testifica como experto sobre la corrupción en Rusia (2003). Los jueces mercantiles utilizan el Derecho Concursal para permitir a los insiders apoderarse de los activos de una empresa dejando sin nada a los inversores extranjeros y a los acreedores. Incluye también una lista de los precios de las distintas actuaciones corruptas. Fascinante.

Super red eléctrica paneuropea alimentada sólo con renovables: "The main result for the base case scenario - only allowing to use existing technologies at current market prices (around 2001) - is that the most efficient arrangement is a system where two thirds of the electrical supply are provided by wind power, which is available in all areas but with different daily and seasonal behaviours (e.g. in Northern Europe the strongest winds are in winter, while in Sahara in summer). The super-grid indeed compensates the fluctuations of electricity produced in different countries and therefore is foreseen - as a result of the optimization - to strongly interconnect the sites of production and consumption"

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