This paper quantifies the market value of the right to vote as the difference in the prices of the stock and the corresponding synthetic stock. Votes are found to have positive value that increases in the time to expiration of the options used to construct the synthetic stocks. Consistent with the theory, the value of vote increases around special meetings, with a larger increase for meetings with a high-ranking agenda, and where the proposal discussed has (ex-post) close votes. The value of the vote increases around M&A events and periods of hedge fund activism. We show that the value of the vote is not bounded by exogenous arbitrage activity – to the contrary – the value of the vote is an important ingredient in the cost of the put call arbitrage activity. We estimate the mean annualized value of a voting right to be 1.58% of the underlying stock price.
“Reading and thinking. The beauty of doing it, is that if you’re good at it, you don’t have to do much else" Charlie Munger. "La cantidad de energía necesaria para refutar una gilipollez es un orden de magnitud mayor que para producirla" Paul Kedrosky «Nulla dies sine linea» Antonio Guarino. "Reading won't be obsolete till writing is, and writing won't be obsolete till thinking is" Paul Graham.
domingo, 13 de marzo de 2011
El valor del voto
La gente es racional: si tienes mucho que perder, constituye una sociedad de responsabilidad limitada
By this classification 35% of the entrepreneurs in the KFS sample are judgment proof. Limited liability is redundant for many small business owners. Judgment proof entrepreneurs are 13% less likely – 58% versus 71% – to form a limited liability entity than non judgment proof entrepreneurs. I also find that the extent of an entrepreneur‟s exposed wealth matters. For every $100,000 of exposed wealth an entrepreneur is 2.1% to 2.6% more likely to form a limited liability entity. Liability exposure has a modest effect on choice of organizational form
Sofie Cools escribe sobre la destituibilidad ad nutum de los administradores sociales
First, “at will” means that the shareholders meeting can oust incumbent directors at any time. In other words, they are not obliged to wait until the annual general meeting and can proceed to the removal in an extraordinary general meeting. Second, if shareholders can truly remove directors at will, they do not need to show a good cause for removal. In fact, they do not need to mention any cause at all, and often it is considered prudent not to do so. This condition bears on the third component of at will removal, namely that removal cannot in itself trigger any duty to pay an indemnification or termination fee….a fourth condition must be added to this list, namely that the shareholders meeting is allowed to remove any number of directors at the same time…At will removability of directors, one can conclude, limits directors’ relative independence within the corporation, thereby mitigating their failure to align with shareholder interests while exacerbating the potential for conflicts of interest among controlling and minority shareholders
Still, at will revocability of corporate directors was foreign to American law as well as to English law. American jurisprudence and scholarship refers to common law as stipulating that “shareholders could remove a director only ‘for cause’”. The same holds for legislative efforts: according to the Official Comment on MBCA §8.08, the common law position was “that directors have a statutory entitlement to their office and can be removed only for cause – fraud, criminal conduct, gross abuse of office amounting to a breach of trust, or similar conduct.” This position was derived from “the conception that the power of directors was drawn from the statute and not solely from the shareholders”.
La importancia del buen gobierno cuando el sistema jurídico no funciona
in countries where investor protection is low, the relevance of firm level corporate governance practices is valuable.In summary, the findings presented in this paper suggest that in Mexico, family control, family ownership and low separation between ownership and control impact positively on corporate value. In addition, good corporate governance practices at the firm level seem to compensate for the weakness of the legal system. Therefore, Mexican firms that aim to attract external funding and to compete globally might benefit by enforcing compliance with the Mexican code of corporate governance and what is commonly considered “good” corporate governance practices.
viernes, 11 de marzo de 2011
¡Todavía hay jueces en Londres!
how the Tribunal should regard the Guidance itself and its application by the OFT in any decision under appeal. In short the Tribunal will disregard neither the Guidance nor the OFT’s approach and reasoning in the specific case. On the other hand, the Tribunal is not bound by the Guidance, and should itself assess whether the penalty actually imposed is just and proportionate having regard to all relevant circumstances as put before the Tribunal in the course of the appeal. So much seems to be common ground… As we understand it the OFT’s submission is that the Tribunal’s role is not minutely to analyse each step of the Guidance but rather to consider the matter in the round, and on that basis assess whether the final penalty is appropriate… The “margin of appreciation” to which the Tribunal there refers does not in any way impede or diminish the Tribunal’s undoubted jurisdiction to reach its own independent view as to what is a just penalty in the light of all the relevant factors.
¿Qué está mal en este análisis del comercio electrónico que hace la Comisión Europea?
The Scoreboard shows continued growth of domestic e-commerce, with 36% of EU consumers having shopped online from national sellers in 2010 (34% in 2009). However, cross-border e-commerce continues to grow at a sluggish pace (9% in 2010, compared with 8% in 2009), despite clear benefits in terms of savings and choice as evidenced in earlier studies.Consumer perceptions v. experience Consumers' perceptions seem to be a major barrier to cross-border e-commerce. Among consumers who have not made a cross-border distance purchase:
- 62% are worried about fraud and scams;
- 59% cite concerns about what to do when problems arise;
- 49% are put off by expected deliveryproblems.
However, these concerns are much less widespread among consumers who have actually shopped cross-border (34%, 30% and 20% respectively).Cross-border e-commerce appears to be at least as reliable as domestic e-commerce or even more:
- only 16% of cross-border purchases were delayed (18% for domestic purchases);
- the product did not arrive in 5% of cross-border cases (6% for domestic purchases).
Major obstacles to cross-border e-commerce are found on the supply side The proportion of retailers selling to other EU countries fell to22% in 2010 (25% in 2009), even though the rewards for cross-border commerce are significant: 56% estimate than more than 10% of their e-commerce sales come from other EU countries. The Commission is pursuing a strategy to end market fragmentation, including through the recent Single Market Act.
Mercadona y las verdaderas reformas imprescindibles: incentivos para trabajar
jueves, 10 de marzo de 2011
¿Duros a peseta?
De dónde vienen el 101 y el 102 TFUE
Stephen Martin U.S. Antitrust and EU Competition Policy: Where has the Former Been, Where is the Latter Going? Enero 2005“Monnet… contacted the American High Commissioner for Germany and arranged to draw on the services of the American diplomat Robert Bowie. Bowie drafted the first versions of what became Articles 65 and 66 of the Treaty of Paris, and he based them on Sections 1 and 2 of the Sherman Act... There were changes in language and in nuance, but Articles 65 and 66, the direct ancestors of Articles 85 and 86 of the Treaty of Rome... are themselves direct descendents of Sections 1 and 2 of the Sherman Act… While the formal provisions of EU and US law correspond, in application EU competition policy has always been fundamentally affected by the overriding goal of promoting market integration. The Commission has, therefore, consistently opposed vertical restraints that have the effect of splitting the Single Market along national boundaries”.
Lo triste es que ese “overriding goal of promoting market integration” no puede alcanzarse a través de un derecho represor, cuasipenal como es el Derecho de la Competencia.
“Derecho mercantil” nominado
Actualización 22-III: no he ganado. Ha ganado Como dicen los políticos cuando pierden las elecciones, enhorabuena al ganador y gracias a los que votásteis por Derecho Mercantil.
miércoles, 9 de marzo de 2011
Un The Economist no tan liberal
¡Qué falta de pensamiento crítico! Cinco Días opina sobre la regulación del acceso a la abogacía
Abogados y procuradores llevan mucho tiempo esperando la promulgación de una norma que permita homogeneizar su sistema de acceso a la profesión con el que existe en otros países europeos. El futuro real decreto sobre la ley de acceso es, en ese sentido, mucho más que una normativa sectorial: es un pasaporte para una mayor y mejor internacionalización de los profesionales españoles. Con ese objetivo en mente, no parece que esta propuesta, sin cautelas rigurosas, sea la mejor receta para el futuro.
lunes, 7 de marzo de 2011
¿Qué van a decir?
Según Europa Press
Los presidentes de los parlamentos autonómicos han abogado por "acercar" las Cámaras legislativas a los ciudadanos ante el clima de "desconfianza" existente por parte de la sociedad hacia la política, y han defendido que los parlamentos son "un instrumento más y sobre todo eficaz para salir de la crisis económica".
Así lo han puesto de manifiesto diferentes presidentes de las cámaras españolas con motivo de el acto inaugural de la Conferencia anual de Presidentes de Parlamentos Autonómicos (Coprepa), que se celebra desde este lunes en Pamplona.
Esto es como el chiste de los amigos que se encuentran después de misa y uno le pregunta al otro que había asistido a la misa sobre el sermón. Y el asistente le explica que el cura había hablado del pecado y el otro le pregunta: ¿y qué? y contesta el primero: “Pues que no era partidario”. ¿Qué van a decir los presidentes de los parlamentos regionales? Como ninguno querrá quedarse en paro, dirán que su institución es macanuda. ¿Se imaginan que la noticia fuera la siguiente?
“Los presidentes de los parlamentos autonómicos han abogado por alejar las cámaras legislativas de los ciudadanos ante el clima de desconfianza… y han defendido que los parlamentos no son un instrumento eficaz para salir de la crisis económica”.
La CNC opina que la nueva regulación de los concesionarios de automóviles es anticompetitiva
Acaba de pronunciarse la CNC sobre la regulación del contrato de concesión (o de lo que sea) de automóviles que acaba de publicarse en el BOE como Disposición Adicional a la Ley de Contrato de Agencia en la Ley de Economía Sostenible. Aunque es probable que esta regulación tenga una vida cortísima, ha entrado ya en vigor.
La CNC sostiene, básicamente, que la nueva regulación es restrictiva de la competencia; poco compatible con el art. 38 CE; que distorsiona las decisiones de los fabricantes acerca de cómo poner en el mercado sus productos (no se firmarán nuevos contratos con lo que se elevan las barreras de entrada al mercado y se prorrogarán los vigentes); que no está justificada por la existencia de un fallo de mercado (precisamente la Comisión Europea ha considerado que hay competencia en el sector de la venta y ha derogado el reglamento específico que lo regulaba) y que, a pesar de lo que dicen los dos primeros párrafos de la nueva regulación, no estamos ante genuinos contratos de agencia en el sentido del Derecho de la Competencia y, por tanto, se aplican todos los límites genéricos a los acuerdos verticales que se derivan del Derecho de la Competencia (singularmente, la prohibición de restringir las ventas pasivas y la prohibición de fijar el precio de reventa a los consumidores además de las limitaciones a la duración de las obligaciones de suministro exclusivo). La CNC concluye que se lo va a comunicar a la Comisión Europea y que, si se hace un Anteproyecto de Ley de Contratos de Distribución, habrá de emitir informe.
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