La próxima figura societaria europea será la “sociedad privada” (SPE). Se trata de una suerte de sociedad limitada europea. Un artículo de Siems y otros analiza la protección de los acreedores que los proyectos en discusión otorgan. Y, en un momento dado dicen que la propuesta de consenso de la presidencia sueca, al dejar en manos de los Estados muchas de las cuestiones polémicas, ha conducido a que, si se aprobase, las sociedades privadas europeas serían muy diferentes en función del país en el que se hubieran constituido. Eso mismo pasó con la Societas Europeae (SE). Y la explicación es
The reason for this is of a political rather than a legal or practical nature. For a comprehensive harmonisation to be achieved it is necessary to find a compromise between more or less different legal systems of 27 countries. Under all of these systems a domestic form of a private limited company exists, which, if it comes to the enactment of an SPE statute, will compete with the SPE. This may create two problems for national legislators. On the one hand, if the SPE statute offers a lower level of creditor protection than the domestic law on private limited companies, potential founders may opt for the ‘cheaper’ establishment of an SPE rather than a national private limited company. On the other hand, if the SPE statute contains more comprehensive creditor protection regulations than the domestic private company statute, the SPE may appear to be more credible for creditors than the national company form and therefore more favourable to potential founders. To mitigate this competition, and thus avoid the potential redundancy of the respective domestic company form, it can be seen that each Member State tries to transfer as much of its own law into the SPE statute as possible. Thus, similar to the SE, the only possible compromise appears to be to leave the respective issue to the decision of the Member States.
La Unión Europea siempre tropieza, al menos, dos veces en la misma piedra.
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