si bien en la demanda se hace alusión al cese como administrador del socio demandante, a la presentación en su contra de una denuncia por los otros dos socios administradores, a que los socios y administradores sociales, sin motivo o razón que lo justificara, han impedido e impiden el acceso del demandante a las instalaciones de la sociedad y le ha negado el salario, atribuyéndole todas las culpas de la situación en que se encuentra la empresa, amén de sustraer claves y documentación propiedad de la sociedad, lo que es falso e insidioso, lo cierto es que en la fundamentación jurídica se alude expresamente (apartado tercero del fondo del asunto) al derecho a la separación voluntaria de un socio, aunque no haya sido recogido explícitamente en la ley citando expresamente el artículo 225 del Código de Comercio y la sentencia del Tribunal Supremo de 10 de febrero de 1997 .
“Reading and thinking. The beauty of doing it, is that if you’re good at it, you don’t have to do much else" Charlie Munger. "La cantidad de energía necesaria para refutar una gilipollez es un orden de magnitud mayor que para producirla" Paul Kedrosky «Nulla dies sine linea» Antonio Guarino. "Reading won't be obsolete till writing is, and writing won't be obsolete till thinking is" Paul Graham.
lunes, 7 de noviembre de 2011
La confusión en torno al derecho de separación
viernes, 4 de noviembre de 2011
Los acuerdos del Valencia CF: segunda vuelta en aumento de capital
Desligarnos de Italia
“Los bancos están para lo que están” Paul Volcker
Those are both matters entailed in continuing customer relations, and they necessarily imply an element of fiduciary responsibility—i.e., an assurance to customers that they can trust the financial institution to protect their assets—on the part of the bank. These are the essential banking functions. It is hard—I think impossible—within a single institution to impose on those central bank functions a system of highly rewarded—very highly rewarded—impersonal trading that is not protective of client relationships. In any event, it is surely inappropriate that those trading activities be carried out by institutions benefiting from taxpayer support, current or potential.
In essence, when failure takes place or is clearly threatened, the authorities need to be able to cut through existing, and typically laborious, national bankruptcy procedures. To do this will require new “resolution authorities” that can maintain necessary services and fulfill the immediate need for day-to-day financing while the failing organizations are liquidated, merged, or sold, whether in their entirety or piece by piece. Shareholders and management will be gone. Creditors will be placed at risk
jueves, 3 de noviembre de 2011
El Supremo dicta su segunda sentencia sobre retención abusiva de los beneficios
… La consecuencia de este comportamiento global es que, al arrastrarse indefinidamente presuntas deudas sociales de ejercicio en ejercicio, los beneficios formalmente reflejados en las cuentas de la sociedad sean probablemente muy inferiores a los reales, repercutiendo así en el acuerdo de aplicación de resultado y, consecuentemente y de forma negativa, en el derecho de los demandantes recurridos a participar en las ganancias sociales o derecho al dividendo. Como declaró la sentencia de esta Sala de 26 de mayo de 2005 (rec. 4744/98 ), si bien este derecho "no es un derecho absoluto de reparto de todos los beneficios, pues aparte de las reservas legales se pueden constituir otras de carácter voluntario", no cabe "privar al socio minoritario, sin causa acreditada alguna, de sus derechos a percibir los beneficios sociales obtenidos y proceder a su retención sistemática", pues semejante actuación se presenta como "abusiva, que no puede obtener el amparo de los Tribunales".
Promesa de suscribir un aumento de capital
“el demandado hubiera favorecido la adopción del acuerdo no justifica entender fundada la afirmada confianza de la sociedad demandante en la ejecución posterior de la ampliación, que debió ser estudiada y proyectada con independencia de las declaraciones de un socio emitidas en el acto de la junta y dirigidas a los demás asistentes.
miércoles, 2 de noviembre de 2011
Cómo examinan en Delaware las transacciones vinculadas (socio mayoritario que le vende una empresa a la sociedad de la que es socio mayoritario)
Thus, from inception, the Special Committee fell victim to a controlled mindset and allowed Grupo Mexico to dictate the terms and structure of the Merger. The Special Committee did not insist on the right to look at alternatives; rather, it accepted that only one type of transaction was on the table, a purchase of Minera by Southern Peru. As we shall see, this acceptance influences my ultimate determination of fairness, as it took off the table other options that would have generated a real market check and also deprived the Special Committee of negotiating leverage to extract better terms.
La forma organizativa de las empresas de servicios de inversión: la crisis pone en valor a las que tienen la estructura de propiedad más eficiente
high-net-worth customers soon began to demand access to the best funds regardless of source, while regulators came down hard on practices—particularly compensation practices— favoring affiliated funds. At the same time, the availability of information and services on the internet decreased brand loyalty and the dependence of customers on any particular firm.
Fidelity learned this lesson when it started a credit card business that was marketed to its mutual fund customers. But Fidelity’s mutual fund clients always paid their balances on time, so they did not generate any interest income for Fidelity. They also refused to accept credit cards with annual fees. With shortfalls in both interest and fee income, Fidelity eventually sold the business to a commercial bank with a huge volume of credit cards.
All three firms are privately held, which means they are not subject to the short-term pressures from public shareholders to increase quarterly earnings. They each have a different legal structure. Fidelity’s stock is effectively controlled by members of its founding family, whereas Vanguard has a unique legal form: The management firm is owned by the shareholders of the Vanguard mutual funds. Capital Group is a private partnership similar to other professional services firms.
Without an independently determined share price, transferring ownership from one generation of owners to the next, as part of a management succession, is a challenge. In essence, the firm must buy back the shares from the retiring generation and sell them to the incoming generation, often providing financing to the incoming generation to facilitate the transaction. Furthermore, none of these firms have a share currency that could be used to acquire smaller managers, which in part explains why these three firms have grown organically with minimal acquisitions
The apparent practical success of capitalism is matched only by the failure of its public relations
The fundamental role of an economic system, even an extremely primitive one, is to assign responsibility and reward
a system of measuring merit should be efficient and difficult to manipulate, and above all, it should be deemed fair—or at least not too unfair—by most of the people subject to it. We can now begin to understand why support for meritocracy translates so neatly into support for the market system. Markets are far harder to manipulate than, say, a list of tenure requirements that an academic committee has created, or—to take a broader example—the decisions of statist regimes determining which lucky citizens get which consumer products. The market system has the reputation, too, of producing efficient results. And it doesn’t violate the prevailing notion of fairness too much.
Naturally, not everyone embraces the market system. Probably the reason that intellectuals tend to reject it is that it doesn’t reward what they think is meritorious: Lady Gaga makes a lot more money than Nobel laureates do. But in America, people largely accept the system—not merely because they think that it will deliver a reasonably efficient outcome, but also because they consider it mostly fair.
Seminario de Análisis Económico del Derecho
Workshop on the Economics of Institutions and Organizations
November 4-5, 2011
Organizer: Giorgio Zanarone
Sponsor: Ministerio de Educación, grant ECO2008-01116
Colegio Universitario de Estudios Financieros
Serrano Anguita 8
2nd floor, room 12
28004 Madrid
14:00 Welcome
14:10 PABLO CASAS, Pompeu Fabra University/Thomas Kittsteiner, London School of Economics, Opportunism and Incomplete Contracts
14:50 GIORGIO ZANARONE, CUNEF/Desmond Lo, Santa Clara University, Closed versus Open Price Formats: A Choice between Countering Opportunism and Creating Value
15: 30 Coffee break
16:00 MATTEO RIZZOLLI, Free University of Bolzano, Mean or Indulgent? An Experimental Investigation on Supervisor’s Evaluation Errors and Agent’s Incentives
16:40 GANI ALDASHEV, Namur University and ECARES/ Michela Limardi, Paris School of Economics and Bologna University/Thierry Verdier, Paris School of Economics and CEPR Watchdogs of the Invisible Hand: NGO Monitoring and Industry Equilibrium
17:20 DEAN WILLIAMSON, US Department of Justice The Financial Structure of Commercial Revolution: Financing Long-Distance Trade in Venice 1190-1220 and Venetian Crete 1278-1400
09:30 STEPHEN HANSEN, Pompeu Fabra University/Benito Arruñada, Pompeu Fabra University Market Instruments In Public Sector Reform
10:10 VIRGINIA ROSALES, Granada University, Measuring Court Performance with Data Envelope Analysis
10:50 Coffee break
11:20 BENITO ARRUÑADA, Pompeu Fabra University Institutional Foundations of Impersonal Exchange: Theory and Policy of Contractual Registries
12:00 AMNON LEHAVI, Radzyner School of Law Onerous Property: Why the Business Corporation is Missing from Property Theory
martes, 1 de noviembre de 2011
Enseñar a cometer errores
Gobierno corporativo en Japón
domingo, 30 de octubre de 2011
Argentina: efectos no pretendidos
Por qué hay tantos acuerdos extrajudiciales en los pleitos de acciones de responsabilidad contra administradores en los EE.UU
In contrast, most empirical studies conducted in the U.S. have shown that litigation costs on these cases are substantial, while the average recovery is rather small and its impact on the firm’s market price is barely significant. In other words, the plaintiffs that are capable of financing the litigation by themselves have repeatedly outperformed those whose ability to sue depends on the existence of attorneys willing to share the risk the suit.In conclusion, the benchmark to reform derivative actions should be delivering to the shareholders a functional set of procedural rules that encourage them to sue when it is desirable from the corporation’s point of view, while preventing them to do so when it is not. However, it has to be stressed that fostering litigation without the proper defenses against opportunistic suits is not desirable. Unrestrained attorney-driven litigation will certainly create an overall increase in insurance premiums, with a rather small —if any– increase in the enforcement of
Corporate Law.In fact, between a world without incentives to minority shareholders’ litigation and a world without proper constraints, the former should be preferable. because it will be easier for (shareholders) to minimize the risk of violations through properly diversified portfolios, than avoiding the negative effects of an overall increase in the insurance premiums.
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