“Reading and thinking. The beauty of doing it, is that if you’re good at it, you don’t have to do much else" Charlie Munger. "La cantidad de energía necesaria para refutar una gilipollez es un orden de magnitud mayor que para producirla" Paul Kedrosky «Nulla dies sine linea» Antonio Guarino. "Reading won't be obsolete till writing is, and writing won't be obsolete till thinking is" Paul Graham.
domingo, 18 de julio de 2010
Benoit Mandelbrot: fractales
Hans Rosling: la población mundial en 2050
En 10 minutos. Una presentación excepcional desde el punto de vista de un docente. (vía Paul Pedrosky). Hans Rosling descubrió enfermedades y sus causas, formó Médicos sin Fronteras en Suecia y creo una empresa que luego le compró Google y que es la que hace esos gráficos tan fantásticos que usa en su presentación (lo de poder "tratar” la información que está en las bases de datos).
Moraleja: seremos 9000 millones sin gente muriéndose de hambre si acabamos con la mortalidad infantil y disponemos de fuentes de energía renovables y baratas. Lo que diferencia a los países desarrollados del tercer mundo es la esperanza de vida y el tamaño de las familias (los asiáticos empezaron a reducir la fertilidad antes de crecer económicamente: se crece antes si tus niveles de salud pública son mejores que si tienes más dinero). Y no hay una solución de continuidad entre el rico oeste y los países pobres. La mayor parte de la población mundial está, ya, en medio.
sábado, 17 de julio de 2010
Dualismo regulatorio
Regulatory Dualism as a Development Strategy: Corporate Reform in Brazil, the U.S., and the EU (March 1, 2010).
Gilson, Ronald J., Hansmann, Henry and Pargendler, Mariana
Stanford Law and Economics Olin Working Paper No. 390; Columbia Law and Economics Working Paper No. 368; Yale Law & Economics Research Paper No. 399; ECGI - Law Working Paper No. 149/2010; Rock Center for Corporate Governance at Stanford University Working Paper No. 80. Available at SSRN: http://ssrn.com/abstract=1541226
“simple default rules suffer from three basic weaknesses as a dualist response to the Olson problem (el bloqueo de reformas eficientes por la presión de los incumbentes). The first is that privately-contracted alternatives to the established regime do not bring with them an enforcement mechanism apart from the general modes of contract enforcement. The second is that the alternatives to those defaults that individual firms choose may not be well coordinated, resulting in a proliferation of alternatives that undercuts network effects in signaling, interpretation, and (contractual) enforcement. And the third, and arguably most serious, weakness of the simple default rule approach is that it is not a form of regulatory dualism. That is, it does not provide for a regulatory institution outside the firm that provides the reformist rules, but instead leaves those rules to be created by contract among the firm’s stakeholders. And the weakness of contractual rules lies in their amendability, or lack of it. If the special contractual constraints are subject to easy amendment without unanimous assent of the affected stakeholders, then there is room for opportunistic changes to the detriment of one group or another. On the other hand, if all affected stakeholders are given a veto over amendment of the customized rules, those rules risk becoming outdated and costly as the firm and its environment change over the many years of its expected lifetime. A thirdparty regulatory institution – whether legislature, court, or agency – can provide, in effect, “delegated contracting,” altering the rules of internal corporate governance for firms over time as, and only as, alterations are needed. These concerns arguably go far in explaining the remarkable fact that publicly-traded corporations in the U.S. rarely deviate from default statutory law in their charters, despite their great freedom to do so”.
Blanqueo y denuncias
La Ley 10/2010, de 28 de abril, de prevención del blanqueo de capitales y de la financiación del terrorismo impone a los particulares que prestan servicios (abogados, por ejemplo pero también bancos, compañías de seguros…) la obligación de verificar que el cliente para el que van a trabajar no induce a sospechas de realizar actividades ilegales. Es decir, obliga a todos los abogados y a los Notarios a ser gatekeepers de los clientes y de las transacciones que pasan por sus despachos. Si tienen sospechas de actividades ilícitas, deben notificarlo al Banco de España.
Me pregunto qué pasaría si las denuncias se introdujeran en una base de datos accesible en Internet y cualquier abogado pudiera ver las previamente realizadas al realizar la propia. Hay un problema de protección del honor y la reputación muy serio, porque el hecho de figurar en semejante registro no significa en absoluto que se haya cometido infracción alguna. Es probable que la inmensa mayoría de las comunicaciones que realizan Notarios y Abogados no se tramiten en absoluto. Pero como los Abogados, especialmente, tienen incentivos para no rechazar a clientes, pueden contribuir, no solo a identificar clientes y transacciones sospechosos sino a depurar el fichero sobre la base de la información de la que dispongan sobre el cliente o la transacción en cuestión al añadir información acerca de la “limpieza” del cliente o la transacción. Un acceso restringido e identificado a dicha base de datos podría constituir una regulación apropiada.
Por qué es más fácil ponerse de acuerdo para estandarizar un producto que para subir los precios o repartirse los mercados
Networks, Anarcho-Capitalism, and the Paradox of Cooperation Bryan Caplan and Edward Stringham Aquí
lo que le dijo su abuelo a jeff bezos (el de amazon) cuando tenía 10 años y calculó y le dijo a su abuela cuantos años de vida había perdido por fumar
Jeff, one day you'll understand that it's harder to be kind than clever. Aquí
qué buscaba la gente en google después de la final
Via KedroskyFinally, no blog post about the World Cup would be complete without a look at what did drive people to search—after the final match, of course. …, Spain’s David Villa is winning in search compared to … Germany’s Thomas Müller and Uruguay’s Diego Forlán—and Dutch midfielder Wesley Sneijder. All of these men competed for the Golden Boot with five goals apiece.
Similar to when Carlos Puyol headed in the single goal that put Spain in the final, people flocked to the web to search for information on Andres Iniesta, the “quiet man” who scored the one goal that led his country to its first World Cup championships. They were also interested in Dani Jarque, a Spanish footballer who died last fall and whose name was emblazoned on Iniesta’s undershirt, which he displayed after his goal. And after the match, searches for keeper Iker Casillas skyrocketed to a higher peak than any other popular footballer—including household names like Ronaldo, Villa and Messi—reached during the Cup. Sometimes, it seems, goalies get the last word. AquíEs interesante comprobar que los países donde más interés despertaban nuestros jugadores eran los sospechosos habituales: paises iberoamericanos. (Aquí)
Un diputado italiano propone reforzar la competencia entre las Universidades acabando con el valor oficial de los títulos. Mataríamos dos pájaros de un tiro porque no tendríamos que preocuparnos de convalidar los títulos de universidades extranjeras Aquí
como saber qué estados se declararán insolventes
Which governments will not be able to pay their bills? The ones with private sectors that are not doing well enough to bail out the government… government credit, in the end, is based on its ability to collect taxes. A healthy private sector will provide the taxes, if they are to be provided at all AquiALEMANIA NO TIENE QUE INCREMENTAR SU GASTO
“Today the US economy is on government life-support. The budget deficit this year will amount to 12.5% of GDP; 40% of the federal budget is credit financed. In 2011 the debt to GDP ratio will exceed 100% and move closer to the Greek’s level as of today. Now that the private securitisation of mortgages is virtually non-existent, 95% of all real-estate credit passes through three government institutions: Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac and Ginnie Mae. The Federal Reserve buys the securities of these institutions with freshly printed money since customers abroad have become scarce. The capital imports of the US have shrunk by half in comparison to recent years. Where all this will lead to, heaven only knows. Aquí
“With the creation of an EU patent and a centralised litigation system, Harhoff (2009) shows that at least €120 million would be lost by patent lawyers (no more parallel litigations), and hence spared by the business sector”. Aquí
…the Spanish economy is once more losing competitiveness against the German economy, (volvemos a tener una inflación mayor que la alemana) the exact opposite of what you want to see. And in July VAT went up two percent. Many argue this move is totally benign, but it will be interesting to see how Spain’s retail sales move over the months to come, and how the inflation differential with Germany is affected. Didn’t anyone tell them there are no free lunches in economics? And how cutting back on government fiscal spending - necessary as it is, since more government deficit is only going to get the country more into debt, not to mention the impact on investors - is going to help sort all this lot out, well I’m afraid that’s a complete mystery to me Aqui
Subir o bajar los precios de las cosas sigue siendo la mejor forma de regular la oferta y la demanda. Se pretende prohibir la venta de bebidas azucaradas en los colegios“Take, for example, our nation’s obesity epidemic. The fashionable resp-onse, based on the belief that better information can lead to better behavior, is to influence cons-umers through things like calorie labeling — for instance, there’s a mandate in the health care reform act requiring restaurant chains to post the number of calories in their dishes. Calorie labeling is a good thing; dieters should know more about the foods they are eating. But studies of New York City’s attempt at calorie posting have found that it has had little impact on dieters’ choices. Obesity isn’t a result of a lack of information; instead, economists argue that rising levels of obesity can be traced to falling food prices, especially for unhealthy processed foods. To combat the epidemic effectively, then, we need to change the relative price of healthful and unhealthful food — for example, we need to stop subsidizing corn, thereby raising the price of high fructose corn syrup used in sodas, and we also need to consider taxes on unhealthful foods. But because we lack the political will to change the price of junk food, we focus on consumer behavior”. Aquí
los padres no tienen (SIEMPRE) la culpa de que sus hijos sean malos
“perfectly decent parents can produce toxic children…If the young man did not suffer from any demonstrable psychiatric disorder, just what was his problem?… Not everyone is going to turn out to be brilliant — any more than everyone will turn out nice and loving. And that is not necessarily because of parental failure or an impoverished environment. It is because everyday character traits, like all human behavior, have hard-wired and genetic components that cannot be molded entirely by the best environment, let alone the best psychotherapists. “The central pitch of any child psychiatrist now is that the illness is often in the child and that the family responses may aggravate the scene but not wholly create it,” said my colleague Dr. Theodore Shapiro, a child psychiatrist at Weill Cornell Medical College. “The era of ‘there are no bad children, only bad parents’ is gone.” Aquí
Las empresas de private equity (compran empresas infravaloradas por el mercado, las “reorganizan” cargándolas de deuda y las vuelven a sacar al mercado) se parecen demasiado a los conglomerados de los años sesenta y setenta (grupos que tenían empresas en los más variados sectores). Y podrían tener sus días contados una vez que no hay mercados donde venderlas y, sobre todo, no hay posibilidad de pedir millones prestados para comprarlas. Las entradas enlazadas son, además, muy graciosas.
… it takes less to start a technology company these days. You don’t need to buy hardware – there’s Amazon AWS. You don’t need to buy expensive software – there are free open source solutions for nearly everything. You don’t have to hire as many sales people because much can be sold online. So companies are running for the first 1-2 years on significantly less capital than they did 10 years ago Aquí
viernes, 16 de julio de 2010
Regulación autonómica y productividad
jueves, 15 de julio de 2010
Sin palabras
"Deberá recoger el lugar o lugares donde vivirán los hijos habitualmente, las tareas de que se ha de responsabilizar cada progenitor, el régimen de relación y de comunicación con ellos cuando estén con el otro, el tipo de educación y las actividades extraescolares, y la manera de cumplir el deber de compartir toda la información sobre la educación, la salud y el bienestar de los hijos".
miércoles, 14 de julio de 2010
Publicado el RD-Ley 11/2010 sobre Cajas de Ahorro
lunes, 12 de julio de 2010
Los contratos de Mercadona con sus proveedores
foto: @thefromthetree
En Expansión se publica un artículo sobre los contratos de Mercadona con proveedores preferentes/exclusivos. Lo más llamativo es que muchos de ellos son empresas creadas para proveer a Mercadona de una determinada gama de productos (o sea, que han introducido competencia en el nivel de los fabricantes) y que han crecido espectacularmente como consecuencia del propio crecimiento de Mercadona. Interesante para los juristas es cómo se logra crear confianza entre ambas partes dadas las importantes inversiones específicas que han de hacer – sobre todo – los fabricantes y que hace Mercadona y la asimetría en dichas inversiones.
viernes, 9 de julio de 2010
Las importaciones alemanas
Este trabajo contiene una encendida defensa de la eficiencia de la participación de los trabajadores en los órganos de gobierno de las compañías (cogestión). Después de leerlo, sin embargo, uno queda poco convencido de la bondad del modelo alemán y de la maldad de los “huecos” que permiten a las compañías alemanas reducir dicha participación por vía de reincorporación o traslado de sede, bien a través de una fusión, bien a través de la constitución de una Societas Europeae.
However, the impression that codetermination is completely protected is deceptive. An SE can indeed be used to escape codetermination by converting into a legal form of national law. A conversion into a corporation governed by national law is permitted two years after the registration of the SE, and after that period, it will not normally be considered “misuse….SEs appear to have been used to avoid the future possibility of codetermination or of a stronger form of it once the firm exceeds the required size threshold. Some observers predict that a large proportion of large publicly traded German firms may become SEs in the future
Por otro lado, no puede calificarse de oportunista – en el sentido de incumplidora de un preexistente acuerdo implícito – la conducta de una empresa alemana de tratar de huir de la cogestión. La cogestión no es producto de un pacto entre los accionistas y los trabajadores de la empresa. Es una imposición legal muy específica en el sentido de que el legislador alemán no dice, simplemente, que los trabajadores deben participar. Dice cómo, dónde y en que medida. Que se pretenda evitar la aplicación de una regla semejante es tan natural como, en general, pretender evitar la aplicación de cualquier otra que imponga costes a la compañía. Si las compañías no tienen en cuenta la cogestión cuando se crean es porque llegar a 2000 empleados no está en la mente del que funda un taller pero deducir de tal cosa la conformidad de la imposición de la cogestión con la “voluntad hipotética” de tal fundador es ir un poco lejos. Precisamente, cuando se acercan a ese número de empleados es cuando las compañías alemanas empiezan a pensar en el traslado de sede.
In fact, some European laws were purposefully designed to insulate managers from shareholders. Germany provides a useful example. Ever since the 1937 reform of German corporate law, the management board is appointed and dismissed by the supervisory board, and cause is required to revoke the management board members’ appointment prematurely.
Supervisory board members can only be dismissed prematurely by a supermajority of three quarters in the shareholder meeting. Shareholders can legally only involve themselves in management decisions when a decision is submitted for a vote by management. The prevailing Nazi ideology of the Führerprinzip certainly dictated strong leadership, but the policy of insulation was at least in part the consequence of a longstanding debate in German economic and legal theory during the previous decades, in which a left-wing current in the literature sought to restrain the influence of capital and, arguably, to protect firms from changing majorities and coalitions in the shareholder meeting… Concentrated ownership structures persisted in spite of these rules, and large shareholders usually remain able to impose their will on corporations, even in Germany
Gelter, Martin, Tilting the Balance between Capital and Labor? The Effects of Regulatory Arbitrage in European Corporate Law on Employees
La titulización y los derivados (The Economist en 2003)
“In the 1980s, American banks started to bundle together a number of mortgages that they had on their books, and to issue securities backed by them. Those securities they then sold off to others. After mortgages, they moved on to other sorts of consumer lending: credit-card receivables, car loans, commercial property loans and so on. The rationale was that they could make more money by generating the business (and the fees associated with it) than they could by holding on to the loans until they matured. All they needed was to find investors who were happy to take the loans (and their associated risks) off their back). In the early 1990s, that was not difficult. In a climate of falling interest rates, investors who were once happy investing in low-risk treasury bonds were tempted to look for a higher yield, accepting that this meant a higher risk of default. They were helped in their search by the credit-rating agencies… On the basis of its own data and details given to it by the banks, a ratings agency can produce a reasonably independent assessment of, say, the likely number of defaults in a pool of residential mortgages from Minnesota, under different interest rate conditions. A bank, naturally, has an interest in getting the highest possible rating for any pool of its assets. The rating agency has a tendency to be sympathetic since the bank pays its fees.. This has radically changed the function of big banks… these days they make loans and then pass them on as quickly as possible, pocketing the margin. That leaves them more room to take bigger risks elsewhere…
“realizar préstamos que no son rentables en sí mismos pero que saben que pueden venderse a entidades que soportan un régimen jurídico y un coste de capital inferior al de los bancos. Esta es una forma de arbitraje que está trasladando el riesgo crediticio desde unas instituciones – los bancos – donde es bien conocido y bien gestionado a otras instituciones donde tal conocimiento y capacidad de gestión es inferior”.
“A buyer of a credit derivative buys insurance relating to a single company, from a seller. If the company defaults, the seller of the protection makes good the loss”. Ambos negocios (titulización y derivativos tienen cuantías anuales de billones de euros). “Fitch, one of the big three credit-rating agencies, quizzed 150 participants in the credit-derivatives market and found that banks in the United States and Europe are net buyers of credit protection.. insurance companies and other financial organizations are net sellers…”… “a lending bank may have gone through all the necessary credit checks before making a loan, but if it buys credit protection, it passes the worry on to somebody else – an investor or a bank with no relationship to the borrower. Inevitably, saving companies from bankruptcy has become a more complex task than ever before”.
“if there were risk takers elsewhere in the financial system equipped to evaluate, take on and manage credit risk. But there are not. Whereas Deutsche Bank has 3,500 credit analysts, most institutional investors (such as insurance companies or pension funds) do not have specialized credit departments at all. Yet, in the past few years, these institutions have sought more esoteric credit risk, for potentially higher rewards. Part of the incentive has been the poor performance of equity markets… In their hunger for higher yields, insurance companies in particular bought portfolios of loans from banks, or guaranteed them against loss by selling credit protection to the banks. Since they did not have their own credit departments, the rating agencies were their chief guide to the potential riskiness of what they were buying… but credit risks bundled up (as they are in the cas or asset-backed securities sold by the banks) defy the predictions of most mathematical models. Those that included loans to airlines and technology companies, for example, have involved investors in considerable losses recently”.
[1] The Economist, 16-VIII-2003, p 51 ss.
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