martes, 12 de febrero de 2013

El sentido de la regla contra proferentem

The contra proferentem rule, moreover, preserves the legal status quo which would exist without the clause in question. If one party introduces a clause, he usually worsens the other party’s existing legal position by establishing duties or limiting rights. The contra proferentem rule aims to achieve that the other party’s legitimate legal position is only restricted to an extent that is made perfectly clear in the contract. This idea is sometimes also expressed by demanding that clauses which exclude essential duties or rights of one party have to be interpreted narrowly. Accordingly,disclaimer clauses are often construed very restrictively.67 Of course, this reasoning always bears the risk that the restrictive interpretation de facto serves to implement a mandatory rule prohibiting the disclaimer clause.
Grigoleit, Hans Christoph and Canaris, Claus-Wilhelm, Interpretation of Contracts (January 15, 2010). Available at SSRN:  or
V., esta otra entrada sobre el mismo trabajo

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