La columna de Manuel Conthe sobre los dilemas de Cordelia
La carta de Feynman a su mujer
Suicidio y Evolución “el suicidio es un subproducto de nuestra capacidad para sentir dolor y de nuestro cerebro que nos permite ver que la muerte es una escapatoria”
Y todos estos relacionados de alguna forma con Arnold Kling
Por qué todos acaban viviendo en la misma ciudad: “the kid who gets a cellphone may create a positive externality for other kids who have cellphones, but a negative externality for other kids who don't have cellphones”.
Por qué estar rodeado de gente aumenta nuestro bienestar “to some extent other people are amenities”
Por qué hay que seguir defendiendo la democracia liberal y el capitalismo “capitalism is the most cooperative system ever created for the peaceful improvement of peoples’ lives, it has only a single fatal flaw: It doesn’t feel like it.”
Por qué es preferible la regla de plata a la regla de oro “The Golden Rule wants you to Treat others the way you would like them to treat you. The more robust Silver Rule says Do not treat others the way you would not like them to treat you... it tells you to mind your own business and not decide what is "good" for others. We know with much more clarity what is bad than what is good”
Por qué la publicidad personalizada no es un mal absoluto y nos ha liberado de los males de la indiscriminada “Enhance Your Penis!”
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