El Derecho de la Competencia no protege a los consumidores, ni al bienestar general de la sociedad. Su función es mucho más específica: proteger el proceso competitivo.
, the Supreme Court has demonstrated a consistent focus on the competitive process rather than the welfare of consumers. This is demonstration is especially clear in Indiana Federation of Dentists and Discon. The Court holds in the former case that consumer harm is not necessary to establish a violation, and the Court holds in the latter case that clear indication of consumer harm is not sufficient. In both cases, the Court’s sole concern is the impact of the challenged restraint on the competitive process. As one appellate has court explained: “The antitrust laws are concerned with the competitive process, and their application does not depend in each particular case upon the ultimate demonstrable consumer effect. A healthy and unimpaired competitive process is presumed to be in the consumer interest.”