“Reading and thinking. The beauty of doing it, is that if you’re good at it, you don’t have to do much else" Charlie Munger. "La cantidad de energía necesaria para refutar una gilipollez es un orden de magnitud mayor que para producirla" Paul Kedrosky «Nulla dies sine linea» Antonio Guarino. "Reading won't be obsolete till writing is, and writing won't be obsolete till thinking is" Paul Graham.
sábado, 8 de enero de 2011
viernes, 7 de enero de 2011
Apuestas deportivas, monopolio estatal, inconstitucionalidad, sentencia del Tribunal de Justicia y, ahora, sentencia del Tribunal Supremo alemán: competencia desleal por infracción de normas
No hay casos como los casos norteamericanos
The Phelpses’ family-operated Westboro Baptist Church exploited form-er marine Matthew A. Snyder’s untimely death in Iraq to expound its “religious” belief that “God hates fags” and kills American soldiers to punish the United States for tolerating homosexuality. Its messages, which mixed political and religious viewpoints with personal attacks on the Snyders, produced a jury verdict in the amount of $10.9 million in favor of Matthew’s father for invasion of privacy and intentional infliction of emotional distress. The Fourth Circuit reversed on First Amendment grounds, finding the political speech and personal attacks categorically exempt from tort liability. The Supreme Court granted certiorari.
jueves, 6 de enero de 2011
Cómo es Internet: Deirdre McCloskey
“si los chinos quieren seguir enviándonos televisores a cambio de unos papeles verdes con héroes americanos pintados en ellos, estupendo”.
We have scores of words in English for bad speech. We need one for persuasive speech, the sweet talk for which one-quarter of us in a modern economy are paid.It’s a fairy tale of scientism that only prices and quantities can be measured.
La Etica del Protestantismo
It’s an anti-Catholic prejudice, unsurprisingly common in northern Europe, to suppose that Catholics didn’t worry about their businesses, or indeed their place in heaven or hell. We have gigantic evidence that they did so worry, and in just the way Weber, on the basis of misreadings of Calvinist texts and Benjamin Franklin, thought was special to followers of John Calvin.
As I say in the book, what people like about the Weber hypothesis is that it combines a spiritual change inside the souls of businesspeople (Geist was the German word) with a focus on routine investment (savings rates were supposed to be higher among Calvinists). It combined idealism with Marxism. No wonder everybody likes it. But alas, it’s wrong.
What changed was the sociology. That is, what changed was the attit-ude of the rest of the society toward businesspeople, and with that new attitude came a change in government policy. It was suddenly all right — most clearly in the most bourgeois country on earth, the U.S.A. — to get rich and to innovate.
Capitalismo y democracia (libertad y dignidad)
Many point to China, Singapore, etc., as examples of places where ec-onomic advance has not produced other kinds of liberalism. They are correct. The problem is the fallacy of Right Now. In 1969 one would have said the same thing about South Korea and Taiwan, or for that matter about Spain and Portugal. Outside the low, dishonest decade of the 1930s, with preparations in the 1920s, it has always gone one way, since the cats of liberty and dignity were let out of the bag in the late 17th century. Do all the statistical analysis you want, but we “liberals” (19th-century European definition) have history on our side.
"The Bourgeois Virtues: Ethics for an Age of Commerce" Deirdre N. McCloskey; Taschenbuch; EUR 17,48 Verkauf durch: Amazon EU S.a.r.L. |
"Bourgeois Dignity: Why Economics Can't Explain the Modern World" Deirdre N. McCloskey; Gebundene Ausgabe; EUR 27,21 Verkauf durch: Amazon EU S.a.r.L. |
Warehousing (almacenista)
Poison pill austríaca
El Asunto Tomra y el “more economic approach”.
”la posición en el mercado de Tomra y sus competidores, el tamaño de los clientes… el porcentaje de la demanda vinculado gracias a los descuentos y los efectos de tales prácticas en la evolución de la demanda en el mercado”.
“by the most fervent advocates of effects-based analysis as a sign that the Court still clings to the traditional form-based approach”Se puede ser algo más optimista porque
“in principle, even effects-based analyses, … do not always require proof of actual negative effects on the market. For example, where there is a time lag between the implementation of the conduct and the negative effects ensuing from it, the application of Article 102 would be ineffective if one had to wait for the conduct to distort competition before intervening. As Advocate General Kokott has pointed out, this would be contrary to the objectives of the Treaty (Opinion in T-219/99 British Airways)”
More controversial is the situation where, despite the allegedly abusive conduct, competition appears unaffected, for instance because competitors have managed to enter the market, or to grow at the expense of the dominant undertaking. In such scenarios, under an effects-based approach it would be essential to consider the actual development in the market and explain in some detail why (rather than merely assume that), in the absence of the conduct the competition would have developed more than it did.
As we know, the Federal Government has above all insistently oppos-ed the opinion that to be able to apply Article 85 (1) it suffices to find that the agreement excludes competition between various importers of Grundig products and that 'real possibilities of choice' exist for subsequent commercial stages only if there is internal competition among the Grundig products in the field of concessions. The Federal Government considers that, on the contrary, it is necessary to take account of the general situation of the market and also to take into account the competition between similar products of other manufacturers and importers. This point of view is to be commended without reservation… But the Commission if wrong in taking account of this last-mentioned internal competitition exclusively and in neglecting completely in its considerations competition with similar products.
In fact, it is perfectly possible that there exists between different prod-ucts or rather between different producers such sharp competition that there remains no appreciable margin for what is called internal competition in a product (for example, in relation to price and servicing). The Commission considers that it does not have to take into consideration this competition between different manufacturers except for simple mass-produced articles. That does not seem to be correct, if it is desired to judge economic phenomena realistically…So in reality it was necessary to require from the Commission a judgm-ent on the whole of the competitive conditions, such as Section 18 of the German Law against Restraint of Competition also requires in a general way for sole distributorship contracts when it speaks of a considerable interference caused to competition on the market of the products in question or other products.Since an examination of the market of this kind (looking at the competition faced by Grundig in the French market) did not take place because of the Commission's narrow view of the concept of 'restriction on competition', and as the Court of Justice cannot be required to carry out such an examination itself during the course of the proceedings, it only remains for me to say that the conclusions reached by the Commission in examining the criterion of 'adverse effect upon competition' must be considered as insufficiently based and consequently must be rejected…
It would be going too far to allow the least interference with competition to fall under the strict prohibition in Article 85 (1), whether it arose from an agreement having that object or from an agreement which simply had that effect, and to grant exemptions for such infringements in the context of Article 85 (3).
Finally, competition in similar products must not be forgotten and has to be taken into account. This applies not only (contrary to what the Commission thinks) to bulk goods, but also to machines of a highly technical nature which are sold under a given trade-mark and which up to a point may be preferred by consumers. This is tantamount to saying that a realistic look at the market can clearly show that, as regards this type of competition also, the products of different producers are competing fiercely with each other, which means that the elimination of competition between the products of just one producer should be seen to be of no importance. … after such a realistic look at the market has been made … that on the whole, notwithstanding the existence of agreements having an interference with competition as their object or effect, the circumstances in which competition takes place are only influenced to a negligible extent, then exclusive dealing agreements which may in principle fall under the prohibition in Article 85 (1) should not be subjected to the effects of that provision
miércoles, 5 de enero de 2011
¡ea ea ea la Audiencia se cabrea!
Solo desde la óptica de un propósito dilatorio absolutamente criticable puede entenderse el recurso de apelación que se interpone; y es que, tanto en la junta general convocada judicialmente y celebrada el 29 de Junio de 2009, como en la contestación al juicio monitorio nº 1.183/09 del juzgado de primera instancia nº 12 de los de Bilbao (escrito de oposición, alegación séptima) como en el propio escrito de interposición de este recurso de apelación (alegación segunda) se viene a reconocer que concurren en D.J. Tain Sociedad de Inversiones, S.L. causadas tasadas y legítimas para su disolución y liquidación. Si así se reconoce por la propia apelante y por su administrador Sr. Emilio , carece de todo sentido este recurso; siendo absolutamente irrelevante la participación societaria que la recurrente pueda tener en sociedades terceras y también lo que en el marco societario propio de estas últimas pudiera haber ocurrido, las deudas que pudieran tener y los acuerdos o compromisos que hayan adquirido; todo lo cual podrá tal vez tener un reflejo práctico cuando se haga la liquidación de Tain, Sociedad de Inversiones, S.L. en lo que afecte a su participación en aquellas, pero cuyas circunstancias son por completo inanes para soslayar o pretender encubrir lo que realmente interesa, cual es que en dicha sociedad concurren las causas de disolución invocadas - c) y d) del artº 104-1 LSRL a las que nos remitimos -, por lo que es evidente que la misma procede.
Derecho de suscripción preferente en aumentos por compensación de créditos y la nueva redacción del art. 304.1 LSC O ¡vaya con Dª Inocencia!
En el caso que enjuiciamos el sistema de aumento de capital social al que ha acudido la sociedad es de aportaciones no dinerarias, entre las que sin duda se encuentra la modalidad de aportación de créditos contra la sociedad. Es igualmente cierto que, en estos supuestos, no se exige, como hemos adelantado, un informe de experto independiente designado por el Registrador Mercantil, …Ahora bien, el hecho de que se hubiera acudido a este procedimiento de incremento de capital social supone indiscutiblemente, aunque no aparezca expresamente contemplado en el art. 75 , que nos encontramos ante un supuesto de exclusión del derecho de preferencia, pues es obvio que sólo podrán participar en el aumento de capital social, con exclusión de los otros socios, aquéllos que sean titulares de las prestaciones no dinerarias, con cuya base se va a proceder al incremento del capital social, únicos que van a recibir, por lo tanto, las participaciones sociales susceptibles además de alterar, de forma sustancial, la participación de los socios en el capital social, con los derechos que ello implica en la formación de la voluntad de la persona jurídica. Esto plantea la problemática de que se utilice dicha vía con una finalidad torticera de alcanzar el control societario, privando a los otros socios del derecho de preferencia para atribuir las nuevas participaciones a personas determinadas…el Tribunal ha procedido a examinar la documentación y nota en falta, compartiendo el criterio de la sentencia apelada, el informe de los administradores, determinando el valor real de las participaciones de la sociedad y justificando detalladamente la propuesta y la contraprestación a satisfacer por las nuevas participaciones,… no se justifica o explica el valor real de las mismas, sin que a tal efecto sea bastante la simple afirmación de la administradora única y titular de los créditos a compensar, de que "cada acción se corresponde con el valor real de las participaciones"… Dª Inocencia pasaría a ostentar del 27,6% del capital social el 97,83% y los impugnantes titulares cada uno de ellos del 9% de las participaciones sociales ( 27% en total ), el 0,27% cada uno.
Foros para consultas jurídicas
Atesoramiento abusivo de los beneficios
Exclusión de socio y valoración de sus participaciones
La sentencia apelada estima en parte la demanda presentada por Grúas Eugenio S.L. y que tenía por objeto obtener el reintegro del valor de 396 participaciones sociales de la mercantil Eurocaba 3000 S.L., de las que la actora era titular hasta el momento en que, por acuerdo de la Junta General de Socios de Eurocaba 3000, fue excluida como socio de tal entidad.Para la valoración de sus participaciones, Grúas Eugenio S.L. solicitó del Registro Mercantil la designación de un perito, conforme previenen los arts. 100 y siguientes de la Ley de Sociedades de Responsabilidad Limitada ; es el importe determinado en el informe de tal perito el que se reclama de la sociedad demandada. La sentencia de instancia acoge las conclusiones de tal informe en cuanto al valor de las participaciones, aunque lo reduce en un 10% atendiendo a la circunstancia del carácter minoritario de la participación de Grúas Eugenio S.L. en el capital social de Eurocaba 3000.
para la valoración de las participaciones …, ha considerado el valor financiero de la empresa o valor del propietario, distinto del valor contable de la sociedad en un momento determinado, valor que resulta de actualizar los flujos libres de tesorería de los propietarios durante un periodo concreto -el inmediatamente anterior a la fecha de exclusión del socio), actualización que se realiza teniendo en cuenta la tasa de rendimiento esperada por los propietarios.
¡Pobres tenderos!
"As a brick and mortar retailer, we add value and generate higher sales of your product. Our stores increase your brand awareness, provide a venue for people who want to touch and feel the product before they buy it (whether they buy it from us or online), and our sales staff help educate your buyers. We bear costs for these services, so it's impossible for us to match online prices of your product. To be fair to us, we require a wholesale price that is 10% less than what you are offering web retailers."
Lo que se confirma por otro curioso estudio de Georg Gebhardt (por el “experimento” utilizado para probar las conclusiones).“acordar que el distribuidor pagará un precio más alto por los pro-ductos destinados a ser revendidos en línea por el distribuidor que por los destinados a revenderse fuera de línea. Esto no excluye que el proveedor ofrezca al comprador un canon fijo (no un canon variable, en que el importe aumente en función del volumen de negocio realizado fuera de línea, pues ello llevaría indirectamente a una fijación de precios dual) para apoyar sus esfuerzos de venta en línea o fuera de línea”
online competition reduces offline margins. Online retailers can force down offline prices if online prices are lower. Thus my results indicate that price competition on the internet is fierce and that counter strategies employed by online retailers, such as obfuscation and product differentiation, cannot prevent the erosion of margins
Since suppliers can appoint the exclusive distributor of their choice or implement a selective distribution system which allows them to freely choose their distributors on the basis of specified criteria and to prohibit any of their sales to unauthorised distributors, the block exemption covers a requirement by the supplier that its distributors should have one or more bricks-and-mortar shops or showrooms as a condition for becoming a member of its distribution system. In other words, under the regulation the supplier may choose not to sell its product to internet-only distributors. To ensure an efficient operation of the brick and mortar shops, a supplier can also require from a distributor that it sells at least a certain absolute amount (in value or volume) of the products offline. A supplier can also pay a fixed fee to its distributor to support the latter’s offline sales efforts…
Similarly, in some specific circumstances,an agreed "dual pricing" policy may fulfil the conditions of Article 101(3), that is when online selling by distributors leads to substantially higher costs for the supplier than their offline sales and when a "dual pricing" policy allows the supplier to recover those additional costs. For example, where offline sales include home installation of a technical product by the distributor but online sales do not, the latter may result in more customer complaints and warranty claims for the manufacturer.
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